Hogan Personality Assessment

Grow and develop your teams with science-backed leadership assessments


How does personality impact real-world performance?

If you hire someone, how will they progress within the unique environment of your organization? What will support and motivate them? What might get in their way?

Hogan personality assessments help you answer questions like these using science-backed methods. Their personality assessments are unique in two key ways:

  1. They assess personality in terms of one’s own sense of identity (how they see themselves) as well as their reputation (how others perceive them).
  2. They take a deep dive into what personality will mean for performance: if they’re a good fit for the role, how they are likely to grow and thrive, and what might derail their progress.

What makes us unique is our greatest value. Empowering that value is much easier when we have insight into what motivates – and what potentially derails – people at an individual level AND within the uniqueness of the organization. This is what Hogan assessments provide.

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What is a Leadership Personality Assessment and Why is it Used?

There are a variety of different approaches to personality assessment, each with their own purpose and application. A Hogan assessment can be used for 6 key purposes, which all support each other, and can even be implemented as part of a full employee life-cycle strategy. Here are all 6 purposes, in order of how they may be applied to life-cycle:

  1. Assessment and selection of potential new hires, including executive hires
  2. Onboarding and employee development
  3. Leadership and executive development
  4. Team development
  5. Assessment for and of high-potential employees
  6. Organizational analysis

Each of these purposes can be implemented independently (for example, if your organization’s current focus is evaluating for high potential) or as part of a custom mix (for example evaluating potential new hires and supporting onboarding). It all depends on your unique needs and objectives.

When it comes to leadership and executive development, any of these 6 purposes can include a leadership element. For example, a team development can include evaluation of team leadership, assessing potential new hires can include identifying possible future leaders, and so on.

The assessments themselves are in-depth evaluations designed using well-researched and reliable methods, led by certified Hogan administrators (like Melissa) who are held to rigorous standards and trained in both administering the assessments and interpreting the results. 


Of all internal promotions involving ‘high potential’ talent, almost 40% ultimately fail (Martin & Schmidt, 2010)


About 50% of all managers fail (Hogan, Hogan & Kaiser, 2011)

18 Months

½ of all senior hires don’t make it past 18 months (Bauer, 2011)

Are Leadership Personality Assessments Reliable and Valid?

There are no crystal balls in life. However, there is a wealth of peer-reviewed research that has been done into personality and performance. It’s this knowledge that Hogan uses to design assessments that are reliable, valid and actionable.

Hogan has been a pioneer in science-backed personality assessments for over three decades. They are a respected industry leader that relies on peer-reviewed assessment tools, and a commitment to understanding how talent development can positively impact organizational ROI.

With a strong background in business, including two decades in corporate roles, Melissa understands the importance of data and measurability. That’s why she sees tools like Hogan personality assessments as ideal elements of a strong coaching program.

How Can Organizations Use Leadership Personality Assessments in the Hiring and Evaluation Process?

For organizations, Hogan leadership assessments can help identify new hires that are not just a fit for the role, but for the organization as well, identify ideal development paths for new and existing hires, identify potential leaders within the organization, and/or identify any shifts that need to be made – on individual, team or organizational levels – to improve performance.

How Can Individuals Use the Results of a Leadership Personality Assessment to Develop their Leadership skills?

For individuals, an assessment can provide greater self-knowledge, identify ideal development paths for leadership, or other career growth possibilities, and empower full responsibility for one’s progress, both personally and professionally.

How are the Results of a Leadership Personality Assessment Interpreted and Used?

As Melissa says, if you want something different you must do something different. Valid, reliable assessments are key. That includes interpreting results and putting them into action.

Hogan provides four different report types, which are administered as a custom mix, depending on the needs and objectives of the client:

  • HPI (Hogan personality inventory) – Evaluates a range of personality attributes that provide insight into potential fit for the role, interpersonal skills, and overall ability to succeed.
  • HDS (Hogan development survey) – Dives into personality attributes that have the potential to create roadblocks for the individual.
  • MVPI (motives, values, preferences inventory) – Evaluates the core values, personal goals and individual interests in terms of environmental fit within the organization as it is today, and what type of environments would potentially have the most positive impact.
  • HBRI (Hogan business reasoning inventory – US only) / MATRIGMA (outside US) – Both of these reports evaluate skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, forward thinking, etc. Contact Melissa for information on how and why these differ, and what they can offer you or your organization.

As a certified Hogan administrator, Melissa will interpret the results of these reports for you in terms of their potential impact on your unique needs, goals and purpose. In terms of how they will be used, Melissa will help you design strategies to put these insights into action. In her capacity as a leadership and executive coach, Melissa can also work with you, your team or your organization to do the work of putting those strategies into action, supporting people in their journeys through accountability, continually assessing progress, and course-correcting as needed.

Connect with Melissa for more information about how Hogan assessments can work within a coaching relationship.

Connect with Melissa

How Does a Leadership Personality Assessment Differ from Other Personality Tests?

For one, not all personality tests are science-backed. Additionally, many stop at the initial evaluation and don’t dive into how you can apply that knowledge, which is critical when you’re looking at hiring or developing leaders in your organization.

With Hogan in particular, there is also a key focus on reputation (how others perceive a person). The majority of personality tests evaluate a person’s sense of self, which matters, especially in terms of individual growth. Hogan provides this and goes further by evaluating reputation. In leadership, influence plays a significant role in success which can be invaluable in identifying and developing high performing leaders and executives that can take your organization to new heights.

If you are ready to see just how far your organization can go, connect with Melissa.

Connect with Melissa