About Me
CEO of Your Life.

Welcome. Namaste.

Welcome. Namaste.

CEO of Your Life is a Montreal-based executive coaching company that serves individuals, teams and organizations across the globe in both English and French. We focus on guiding executives and high-level leaders to step into their full power and become the impactful leaders they know they are meant to be. Our unique WHOLE LIFE approach gets to the core of what holds people in status quo, and strengthens them from the inside out, empowering them to bring the fullness of who they are forward, and to draw out that same wholeness and potential in others.

CEO of Your Life was formed on the belief that there are better ways to do business. In our earliest days of coaching, we were helping people free themselves from unfulfilling careers by creating their own businesses doing work they truly loved. We talked about helping people build an “orgasmically joyful life” for themselves, and we were so inspired by the creativity, resilience and drive that our clients were able to discover within themselves.

Working with client after client coming to us with such similar experiences of corporate life, feeling burnt out, unfulfilled, stuck and discouraged… Telling us how much they wanted to make a difference in their organization, but felt powerless to enact real change… We started to think, what if we could have an impact earlier? What if we could reach these incredibly driven people inside their organizations, and help them step into their power, show them how influential they can be, and guide them to become true change-makers?

It’s been a journey of learning, training, working hard, and never wavering from our belief that when people connect with their full potential, it has the power to take teams and organizations to incredible heights.

CEO of Your Life has worked with some of the world’s top organizations. It has been named one of Hubspot’s Best Business Coaching Services for 5 years in a row.

About Melissa

Melissa is the founder and head coach of CEO of Your Life. As a former VP with over two decades of corporate experience, Melissa focuses on helping executives and high-level leaders connect with their full potential, take authorship of their paths, and drive genuine change for themselves and those around them.

Melissa is a renowned speaker, author and Master Certified Coach (MCC). She is also accredited by the International Coach Federation as a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), a Certified Team Performance Coach (CTPC), a Conscious Business Coach, and a certified women’s business enterprise with WBE Canada. 

She is the author of the bestselling books, “I Attract What I Am – Transforming Failure Into An Orgasmically Joyful Life & Business”, and “Why Can’t I Just Be Me? – Remove the Masks That Hide You From the World and From Yourself”.

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Ready to Step Into Your Power?


  • Like so many people, I spent years funneling energy into things that just weren’t me. Instead of honing my strengths, clarifying what I truly wanted, and developing confidence in my own leadership, I let people and circumstances outside myself drive my choices.

    From the outside, things probably looked great. I had a successful career and all the accolades that went with it. But behind that, I was deeply unfulfilled. In following an education, career and even relationship path that the world told me was “right”, I had never stopped to truly get to know myself, what I might want, and what I might have to offer the world.

    Essentially, I had never connected with my inner leader – my intuition, my core self, whatever we call it – that part of me just waiting to be unleashed, to guide me, fuel me, and energize me to truly thrive in all areas of my life. I felt disrespected because I wasn’t respecting myself, and once I understood that, everything changed.

    What prompted that understanding? Unfortunately, it took a pretty big fall to open my eyes and heart. At what should have been (according to all the “shoulds” I believed) the height of my career and personal life, I found myself divorced, a single mother and in a work situation that required a change, ASAP.

    It was like I’d fallen into a dark pit, and through sheer luck of meeting the right people at the right time, I started to see the way out. I realized I needed to make radical changes, but not just externally anymore. I needed to take a brave step and start from within; to learn to be my own guiding light.

  • It takes courage to look inside, but I did it. I allowed myself to be vulnerable and started to see where I was stuck, triggered and insecure. I saw where I needed to heal, so that I could become my best self. I took the time to get to know myself and found everything I needed to create my own version of success.

    I left that VP job when I realized I wanted to create a greater impact in the world and really shake things up. I realized that what had been so draining about corporate life for me was how I had been approaching it. I could change that for myself and, better still, I could become an agent of change for others. I embarked on a journey where I now feel fueled from the inside out, and where I can guide others to create powerful shifts for themselves. How can it get any better than that?

    On my journey, I trained with and was guided by top coaches and became certified by internationally acclaimed coaching programs including the International Coaches Federation (ICF) where I earned my MCC (master certified coach), the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) where I got my CPCC (certified professional co-active coach), as well as Team Coaching International where I achieved my CTPC (certified team performance coach).

    I developed workshops, programs and keynotes that blend western ideology, eastern philosophy and proven coaching strategies to bring unconventional and actionable wisdom to my coaching.

    Most of all, I learned how to show up as my true self, with courage and confidence. I learned how to bring out what I’d kept down, to drop the masks I’d been conditioned to wear and to ditch the boxes people tried to put me in. I learned the real value of my innate strengths and how to bring them forward to make my big picture vision my reality.

  • My decisions are now made in alignment with my values and purpose. I have designed my big picture vision with intention and confidence, and taking the steps to make it reality fuels me in a way I never could have imagined.

    Today, I know how to tap into my inner wisdom, and that doing so creates meaningful shifts for all of us. It steers us onto the path that is best for us, and keeps us strong and firm when challenges arise. I know that if we don’t tap into it and let it guide us, we will always feel an internal struggle, like Sisyphus, endlessly pushing that boulder up the hill. Finally, I know how to help others drop their masks and self-limiting beliefs, and tune into who they truly are and the path that is best for them.

    One of the greatest lessons I learned along the way is that mastering leadership, inspiring others, building strong executive teams and creating amazing organizations all starts with mastering leadership of yourself. When we take full authorship of our own lives, we are empowered to lead from the heart, creating space and support for those around us to bring their best selves to everything that they do. That’s how we lead, and that’s how we change the world.

    We can all do this. We have a responsibility to bring our best selves forward and to inspire others to do the same. This is how we shake up the world and create the shifts we need for better tomorrows.

    Today, my life and work are in service to others. I work with people and organizations to cultivate meaningful change, inspire engagement, and take themselves to new heights. When we have the courage to show up as our most authentic selves, and the compassion to accept the authenticity in others, we create better people, better communities, better businesses and a better world.