We are in an epidemic of burnout, and executives are far from immune.
In an executive role, it can feel daunting to strive for balance because, on the one hand, you’re in a role that affords you a great deal of autonomy in how you use your time, while on the other hand, you have a huge amount of responsibility and high expectations that need to fit into that time.
While the overall focus of executive coaching is helping you to thrive in your role, we recognize that humans don’t exist in silos. Our personal lives can influence our professional lives, and vice versa. As with all our coaching programs at CEO of Your Life, we understand the importance of creating solutions and strategies that work for you, in all facets of your life.
If balance and burnout are on your mind, we will bring that into your coaching experience. Having someone who is removed from your day-to-day life to act as a sounding board can help you widen your perspective, clarify your blind spots, and even act as an accountability partner in putting your insights into action. By taking a whole-life, values-focused approach, we will help you to first clarify what balance looks like for you, what truly fuels you, what rest looks like for you, and design strategies to integrate these things into your daily life, steering you far from the burnout path.
At CEO of Your Life, we take an approach to burnout and balance that respects the whole human. We meet you where you are and work with you to explore elements such as mindfulness, meditation, grounding, and even energy medicine that resonate with you and fit with your daily life and big picture goals. For many, it’s their first experience with these techniques. Some feel it isn’t for them. Others feel that meditation or a few mindfulness tools are all they need, and others are open to anything. All of that is ok. There’s no one way, there’s only the way (or ways) that feel right for you. One of the concepts we lean into is that if you want something different, you have to do something different. Openness to something different will help you make meaningful, even radical shifts that have a powerful impact for you and the people around you. For one person, “different” may mean energy for work. For another, it may mean a conscious morning routine. It’s about where you are now, where you want to be, and exploring the paths that will get you there.