Professional Coaching for Conscious Leaders

Co-Creating Success from the Inside

Professional Coaching for Conscious Leaders & Executives

Today, more than ever, leadership matters. The old command-and-control style of leadership is no longer relevant as more and more roles require creativity, collaboration, innovation, the ability to self-manage and so on. These things cannot be commanded. They must be cultivated through compassion, openness and trust. This is where conscious leadership comes into play, especially for those in executive and high-level leadership roles.

What is a conscious leader? A conscious leader is one who is deeply aware of their own passions, strengths, motivations and values. They don’t aim to emulate top leaders, but rather, to continually become their best and most authentic self, so that they can lead with authenticity, courage and compassion, inspiring those around them to bring out the best in themselves.

A conscious leader has a deep sense of shared purpose. They are aware of their role and their impact, and strive to make the world a better place through their work. They are in it for the collective good and keenly motivated to see the people, teams and organization around them grow and succeed. 

Co-Creating Success From the Inside In your Enterprise With Your Teams

Conscious leaders and executives know that when they are at their best, they are bringing their best to the work that they do, which is why personal growth is their guiding path. They know that the more they improve themselves, care for themselves and connect with themselves, the better they can inspire and support others to continually take themselves to higher and higher levels.

Corporate Coaching and Conscious Leadership go hand-in-hand. Through coaching, leaders and executives are guided to self-awareness, held accountable for their own growth, and taught powerful tools to continually take themselves and those around to the next level.

Conscious leadership solves those issues at their core.
Conscious leadership builds cultures of trust.
Conscious leadership eliminates the negativity that stunts progress.
By cultivating a culture of trust and openness, even the most difficult issues are brought forward with compassion and respect, so that they can be worked through instead of allowed to simmer.When leaders are truly authentic, open and compassionate, they lead by example, empowering others to feel safe bringing their own authenticity forward.Fear, judgement, resentment, embarrassment and lack of confidence all hold back progress. Conscious leadership makes no room for these things.

Professional coaching for conscious leaders and executives co-creates success from the inside.

If you are struggling with… 

  • Conflict or behavioural problems
  • Keeping employees happy and productive
  • Motivating millennials and younger generations
  • Cultivating confidence and courage
  • Leading diverse teams and developing future leaders
  • Increasing efficiency and productivity
  • Transitions such as mergers or restructuring
  • High turnover
  • Finding and retaining top talent
  • Greater demands with fewer resources
  • Engaging with empathy
  • Building high-performance teams
  • Developing team collaboration skills
  • Identifying underlying issues or problem spots

Build cultures of trust.

When you have a culture of integrity and trust, when people know you will not shy away from honesty, even when it’s difficult, they are far less likely to resort to self-preservative behaviours in times of stress. When everyone trusts each other and is focused on what’s best for the company instead of how best to protect themselves, you can take your team and organization leaps ahead.

Connect with your inner leader.

Individuality is key to conscious leadership because authenticity is how you lead best. You will learn how to move past those limiting beliefs of who you “should” be, give yourself the full approval and acceptance you deserve, connect with your inner wisdom, and bring it forward with confidence.

Show up with courage.

If you want employees to feel safe, seen, heard and respected, you need to blaze that trail. If you want them to be honest and raw, YOU need to be honest and raw. If you want them to open up about failures or mistakes so that everyone can progress, YOU need to open up about failures and mistakes.

Recognize effectively.

Recognition drives engagement. But for it to drive change, you need to recognize, then direct! Call out people’s strengths and successes, then direct them towards more of that. Directing people towards their strengths helps them connect with themselves, motivates them towards personal growth and empowers them to bring their best to the organization.

Give truly constructive feedback.

Good feedback honours the person’s value, strengths and contributions, clearly states the issue to be overcome, stays open to questions, counter-feedback and the potential for misunderstanding, is focused on the path forward, and holds the person accountable in an empowering way.

Empower creativity.

People are afraid to try new things when they fear failure. Letting go of the outcome and embracing the lessons of failure is one of the most courageous things you can do in business. It’s hard, but it empowers people to open their minds, tap into their creativity, and explore the possibilities, rather than hide in the safety of status quo.

Boost productivity.

Most employees spend a lot of time and creative energy covering up mistakes, shortfalls or perceived inadequacies. When you do the work to build a culture of trust instead of fear, one that prioritizes progress and personal growth over perfection, all of that time and energy gets redirected towards raising up the organization.

Honour the human.

As leaders, we often need to make tough decisions and initiate difficult conversations. When you do this from a place of authenticity, compassion and respect for the human, you build unwavering trust throughout the organization.

As a Canadian Conscious Leadership Coach, Melissa Dawn helps individuals and teams across the globe cultivate conscious leadership for greater success.

CEO of Your Life Conscious Leadership Coaching helps you:

  • Connect with your core values, purpose and strengths;
  • Cultivate a mindset of continual growth and development that aligns with your purpose and passions;
  • Strengthen employee communication and relationships through authenticity and accountability;
  • Guide people, departments and teams through transitions with ease (mergers, restructuring, etc.);
  • Cultivate a coaching culture of continual employee growth and development;
  • Increase employee engagement, collaboration, motivation, productivity and retention;
  • Attract and develop top talent;
  • Align all business elements (marketing, hiring, partnerships, workspace, etc.) with the future you are creating.

Road in the middle of the desert