CEO of Your Life Coaching Programs

Bring Yourself to Your Fullest Potential

How We Serve You

One-on-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching clients have the benefit of a supportive coach to act as a sounding board, safe space, and accountability partner.

VIP Coaching

VIP coaching is an intensely personalized coaching experience for executives and high-level leaders.

Group Coaching

Teams, groups and organizations can benefit from coaching that’s designed to strengthen collaboration, cooperation, co-creativity and collective problem-solving.

On-Demand Coaching Tools

Some of our coaching tools are designed and provided by external professional development organizations.

How We Serve You

One-on-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching clients have the benefit of a supportive coach to act as a sounding board, safe space, and accountability partner.

VIP Coaching

VIP coaching is an intensely personalized coaching experience for executives and high-level leaders.

Group Coaching

Teams, groups and organizations can benefit from coaching that’s designed to strengthen collaboration, cooperation, co-creativity and collective problem-solving.

On-Demand Coaching Tools

Some of our coaching tools are designed and provided by external professional development organizations.

Our one-on-one coaching programs

One-on-one coaching clients have the benefit of a supportive coach to act as a sounding board, safe space, and accountability partner.

Using proven coaching tools, strategies and assessments, a coach can illuminate blind spots, broaden one’s perspective and guide clients to recognize the fullness of their potential, and to truly step into their power.

Our one-on-one coaching programs include:

Executive Coaching

Positive Intelligence Training

Co-Active Leadership

Corporate & Leadership Coaching

Conscious Leadership

Online Coaching

Hogan Assessments + Coaching

TALENTx7 Assessment + Coaching

Executive Business Coaching

VIP Coaching

VIP coaching is an intensely personalized coaching experience for executives and high-level leaders. It demands full commitment from the client to be:

  • Open to all possibilities;
  • Ready to actively create change;
  • Committed to doing the work;
  • Open to curiosity, vulnerability, and doing things differently.

How is VIP different from one-on-one? It comes down to customization, availability of your coach, and the amount of time you (and your coach) commit to work outside sessions.

Group Coaching

Teams, groups and organizations can benefit from coaching that’s designed to strengthen collaboration, cooperation, co-creativity and collective problem-solving.

Many of our programs can be adapted to groups, and can include a bank of one-on-one sessions for participants to further their development.

Programs that can be adapted to groups include:

Team Performance Coaching

Executive Business Coaching

Positive Intelligence Training

Interested in another coaching topic or area for groups? Please connect with us.

Workshops or speaking events are another option for large groups, and can be paired with a bank of coaching hours for attendees who want to further their development. See speaking topics here.


On-Demand Coaching Tools

Some of our coaching tools are designed and provided by external professional development organizations. CEO of Your Life is trained and certified in facilitating these tools, interpreting results, designing actionable steps and providing encompassing programs and support. However, the tools themselves can be purchased here for you to administer within your team or organization.

If you choose to purchase and administer any of these tools yourself, then decide later that you would like coaching guidance with the tools, or coaching support to address the results of the tools, please don’t hesitate to connect with us

Positive Intelligence (PQ)

Positive Intelligence is a mental fitness program that gets to the root of the unique Saboteurs holding you back, so that you can shift your mind from self-sabotage to self-mastery.

The PQ Assessment determines the % of time your mind spends serving you vs. holding you back.

The Saboteur Assessment determines your dominant Saboteur types and how they may be impacting your life.

Learn more about PQ Training.

Hogan Assessments

If you hire someone, how will they progress within the unique environment of your organization? What will support and motivate them? What might get in their way?

Hogan personality assessments help you answer questions like these using science-backed methods.

These assessments not only empower you to hire better, but also provide powerful, actionable insight into promotion and development of current employees.

Learn more about Hogan Assessments here.

TALENTx7 Agility Assessment

Leadership agility is a person’s ability and willingness to learn, adapt and thrive within new situations and circumstances, and it is one of the greatest leadership assets.

The TALENTx7 Agility Assessment uses science-backed methods to provide insight into a person’s agility, empowering you to make stronger hiring, promotion, and development decisions.

Learn more about TALENTx Agility.

Interested in working with CEO of Your Life? Connect with us today.

Melissa is a dynamic, humorous and very courageous coach. She organized a very enjoyable activity … I wish her a lot of success!

Melissa is truly a fantastic speaker. At every occasion I have seen her speak, she delivered professional and authentic work. She is charismatic, brave and creative, and she thinks outside the box. She has excellent speaking skills and develops a true rapport with her audience while advocating mutual respect. Her mix of authenticity, experience and knowledge on different subject matter makes her stand out as a very unique speaker. Melissa’s speaking has impacted me, my business and my career in a tremendous way. I recommend Melissa to any Fortune 500, Firm or Startup that dares to bravely improve and excel with a positive attitude and heartfelt energy.

It was evident that Melissa put an amazing amount of preparation into the materials and handouts she created for her workshop. Her message was insightful, engaging, and exciting. As a speaker she was able to facilitate the group in a way to better communicate what was unique about them. It was a great experience.

Melissa, I want to thank you for saying yes to speaking to our group of women. You were 100% prepared, professional and perfectly poised, grabbing all our attention. With not a whole lot of time, you managed to pack in plenty of thought-provoking ideas about discovering our 3 top values and how staying true to them makes for a more joyful life. And, you even fit in a fun, interactive exercise too! Full of light and positive energy, Melissa, you rocked it!

“Melissa Dawn is not only a life coach and author of an international amazon best seller, but she is a person that connects on an individual level to each person she meets.” We had the honor and privilege to have Melissa as a guest speaker at “THE SINGLE PARENT FOUNDATION.”.

As founder and executive director of the organization, I can say that she is a compassionate and amazing human being.

Through her workshop she has inspired many single moms and has given them back the confidence they lacked. She is an amazing human being who is passionate about helping people live the life they always wanted.