CEO of Your Life
Corporate and Leadership Coaching

A business can only go as high as its leaders


Successful leadership bridges the gap between what matters to you and what matters to me – what matters to the individual employee and what matters to the organization. It guides people to align their own strengths and values with the goals of the business.

Why? Because this drives engagement. When people are empowered to show up as their true selves, they gain a strong sense of ownership over what they create, and passion to see things through. That drives productivity, creativity and collaborative problem solving.

Corporate and leadership coaching focuses on strengthening your leadership in order to strengthen your organization. This begins with bringing out the very best in your leaders and executives, and coaching them in relationship management and human emotional intelligence, so that they are fully equipped and empowered to bring out the best in their people as well – to recognize and cultivate strengths at all levels, build collaborative relationships and strengthen engagement. 

In today’s market, effective leadership is coaching. Command and control is the management style of the past. It’s a style that keeps people (and the companies they work for) locked into status quo. By coaching leaders and executives to take full authorship of their lives, and to then become coaches within your organization, the people they lead are empowered to grow and progress, which means your business has greater power to grow and progress.

But getting to that place starts with dropping the masks and having the courage to be our true selves, as leaders.

Corporate and Leadership Coaching provides tools and structures to business owners, leaders and managers so they can access new levels of real change that bring real results.

Are you struggling with…

  • Conflict or behavioural problems
  • Keeping employees happy and productive
  • Motivating millennials
  • Cultivating confidence and courage
  • Leading diverse teams and developing future leaders
  • Increasing efficiency and productivity
  • Transitions such as mergers or restructuring
  • High turnover
  • Finding and retaining top talent
  • Greater demands with fewer resources
  • Engaging with empathy
  • Building high-performance teams
  • Developing team collaboration skills
  • Identifying underlying issues or problem spots

You need to solve those issues at the core.

Whether you realize it or not, the core is fear.

When people avoid owning up to mistakes, avoid taking risks, shift blame, shy away from new responsibilities, avoid asking for help, struggle to find creative solutions, talk in circles instead of being clear, don’t speak up in meetings… that’s fear!

What is fear-based leadership?

You may be experiencing it without even recognizing it. This is when you keep your cards close, avoid difficult conversations, prefer to smooth things over rather than dig down to the heart… How is someone going to share their fears, admit mistakes, work on their own growth when they see you hiding?

Being You

I will help you get so comfortable being YOU that it will have a domino effect on your team and others around you.

As leaders, our greatest impact is in creating safe spaces for teams to thrive as their best selves.

  • Build cultures of trust.

    When you have a culture of integrity and trust, when people know you will not shy away from honesty, even when it’s difficult, they are far less likely to resort to self-preservative behaviours in times of stress. When everyone trusts each other and is focused on what’s best for the company instead how best to protect themselves, you can take your team and organization leaps ahead.

  • Show up as your true self.

    You are not your masks. You are not the things you’ve been told you should be. You are YOU and that is how you lead. You will learn how to shed those masks, connect with your inner wisdom and bring it forward with confidence.

  • Show up with courage.

    If you want employees to feel safe, seen, heard and respected, you need to blaze that trail. If you want them to be honest and raw, YOU need to be honest and raw. If you want them to open up about failures or mistakes so that everyone can progress, YOU need to open up about failures and mistakes.

  • Recognize effectively.

    Recognition drives engagement. But for it to drive change, you need to recognize, then direct! Call out people’s strengths and successes, then direct them towards more of that. What people are good at is how they provide the greatest value to the organization.

  • Give truly constructive feedback.

    Good feedback honours the person’s value, strengths and contributions, clearly states the issue to be overcome, stays open to questions, counter-feedback and the potential for misunderstanding, is focused on the path forward, and holds the person accountable in an empowering way.

  • Empower creativity.

    People are afraid to try new things when they fear the outcome. Letting go of the outcome is one of the most courageous things you can do in business. It’s hard, but it empowers people to open their minds, tap into their creativity, and explore the possibilities, rather than hide in the safety of status quo.

  • Boost productivity.

    Most employees spend a lot of time and creative energy covering up mistakes, shortfalls or perceived inadequacies. When you do the work to build a culture of trust instead of fear, one that prioritizes progress and personal growth over perfection, all of that time and energy gets redirected towards raising up the organization.

  • Honour the human.

    As leaders, we often need to make tough decisions. Do what’s right for the organization, but remember the human and do it in a way that honours the humans who make the company function.

You can Identify your challenges. Illuminate your goals. Empower your leaders and their teams to embrace change.

As a Master Certified Coach, Certified Co-Active Coach, CPCC, CTPC, best-selling author and motivational speaker, Melissa helps executives and high-level leaders get themselves and their teams from good to great, and from great to masterful. She does this by getting to the heart of the issues – working to solve problems at their core, then highlighting and reinforcing the unique strengths and values of the person, so that they can move forward with courage, compassion and confidence.

Let’s unleash the human power of your leadership and strengthen BIG PICTURE outcomes.

I’m all about working together to strengthen your business by strengthening the people within it.

CEO of Your Life Corporate and Leadership Coaching helps you:

  • Clarify the values, purpose and vivid vision of the business;
  • Strengthen employee communication and relationships through authenticity and accountability;
  • Guide people, departments and teams through transitions with ease (mergers, restructuring, etc.);
  • Cultivate a coaching culture of ongoing employee growth and development;
  • Increase employee engagement, collaboration and retention;
  • Attract and develop top talent;
  • Align all business elements (marketing, hiring, partnerships, workspace, etc.) with the future you are creating.

Empower the natural leader inside everyone and build their confidence to bring it forward in all that they do.

Melissa’s HR, coaching, leadership skills and positivity were invaluable assets to our company. She hired and trained a great team, gave our employees tools to bring out the best of themselves in their work and helped us co-create an engaging culture. She also helped strengthen team relationships and communication. You can have the best product or service in the world, but if you don’t have a strong team behind it, you aren’t going anywhere. Melissa helped us build that strength.

Melissa was invited to Medtronic as a motivational speaker, where she captivated the audience with her dynamic presentation skills and her ability to both engage and influence a room. Her workshop is well thought out and is complimented with a crisp presentation, the combination makes working with Melissa- impactful, educational and most importantly – fun!

As a follow-up to her workshop, Melissa (a certified Co-Active Coach) also worked 1 on 1 with employees to ensure they were clear on how to implement and sustain the tools she introduced in her talk.

Ready to take the first step?