CEO of Your Life


Are You the CEO of Your Life?

What does it mean to be the CEO of your life? Let’s imagine an actual CEO. To lead a truly successful organization, they have to be tuned into all aspects of the business. It’s their job to ensure everything is running smoothly, every decision is aligned with the values and goals of the organization, that the workplace is a safe and engaging place to be, and that the company is consistently putting its best foot forward into the world.

A CEO – a leader – is someone who takes full responsibility for their world. They are willing to ask themselves powerful questions, be and do things differently, and aim to let their player mindset overtake the victim approach.

This same model applies in becoming the CEO of your own life.

When you are in the CEO seat:

  • You are deeply connected to the core of YOU – your values, purpose, passions and unique strengths – and able to act from your highest self, hold a big picture vision, and continually make decisions that move you towards what you want to create for yourself;
  • You are clear on what drives you and what drains you, empowering you to navigate chaos smoothly, set healthy boundaries that strengthen positive relationships, and embrace vulnerability as the ultimate driver of growth and connection;
  • You are tuned into all aspects of yourself, allowing you to address and create from difficult feelings and situations head on – with authenticity, courage and compassion – rather than letting them fester and spill into other areas of your life;
  • Personal growth becomes your guiding path as you continuously work towards becoming your best, most authentic self, knowing that when you are at your best, you bring out the best in everything you do and the people around you.

The good news? You already are the CEO of your life.

Why You Have Already Been Appointed the CEO of Your Life

The only person who can truly change your life is you. You have been the CEO from day 1! The question is, are you truly seizing that role?

What gets in the way truly being your own CEO?

  • Fear, anxiety and limiting beliefs
  • A feeling of being “stuck”
  • Living in reactive mode, just trying to keep all those balls in the air
  • The way we were raised (good behaviour being prioritized over emotional health, being held responsible for other people’s feelings, not being given authority over our own bodies or minds, messages that make self love feel selfish, etc.)
  • Perfectionism
  • Self doubt… 

The truth is, this list could go on and on. There’s no question that seizing your CEO seat – the one that is rightfully yours – is not an easy journey. But it is so worth it.

How to Be the CEO of Your Life

If you really want to know how to be the CEO of your own life, the full answer will differ from person to person because each of us has had a unique journey up to this point, and has a completely unique inner experience.

What I can tell you is that it starts within and I can guide you.

I know, from personal experience and from working with thousands of people and organizations around the world, that there are many ways to be the CEO of your life. As your coach, my commitment is to guide you towards the path that is truly right for you. I will work with you, hand in hand, to uncover what is keeping you locked in old patterns and habits, be your sounding board and safe space, identify your blind spots and what you need to say yes and no to, help you create a vision for yourself and plot the steps to get there, and most importantly, hold you accountable for truly stepping into your CEO role.

Coaching empowers you to work towards your vision with balance. It teaches you how to have the courageous conversations that need to be had, to tune into your inner GPS, and to connect with your whole body for information. As the CEO of your life, the things around you have less impact on you because you’re in control of how you show up and respond. You have inner peace. Even during times of chaos, you have the tools to navigate it smoothly; to dare to always bring the true you forward, bravely and confidently.

Ready to become the CEO of your life? Connect with me

What is the CEO of Your Life Approach?

Everyone is unique and your coaching experience should align with who you are and what you want to create for yourself. To learn more about who I am and how I work, I invite you to read my story, check out my latest blog articles, or even browse a few CEO of your life quotes to see if this could be the right fit for you.

Melissa’s HR, coaching, leadership skills and positivity were invaluable assets to our company. She hired and trained a great team, gave our employees tools to bring out the best of themselves in their work and helped us co-create an engaging culture. She also helped strengthen team relationships and communication. You can have the best product or service in the world, but if you don’t have a strong team behind it, you aren’t going anywhere. Melissa helped us build that strength.

Melissa was invited to Medtronic as a motivational speaker, where she captivated the audience with her dynamic presentation skills and her ability to both engage and influence a room. Her workshop is well thought out and is complimented with a crisp presentation, the combination makes working with Melissa- impactful, educational and most importantly – fun!

As a follow-up to her workshop, Melissa (a certified Co-Active Coach) also worked 1 on 1 with employees to ensure they were clear on how to implement and sustain the tools she introduced in her talk.

Ready to take the first step?