Want 2018 to be Your Best Yet? Here are 6 CEO of Your Life Tips!

Tell me, do you feel you are in control of your life and on track…
Ready to Share Your Raw Truth In Your Business?

Ready to Share Your Raw Truth In Your Business?

I feel that many businesses display their logic - features and benefits of their product. Yet, when it comes to sharing emotions and stories, they’re afraid or don’t realize how impactful it is.
Melissa Dawn TV Interview

The 5-Day LET GO of Negative Relationships Challenge

We’ve all been in situations where we want to end a relationship, whether it’s with a partner, a parent, a relative, a boss, a coworker, an ex-partner. Many of us feel we don’t have a choice, that nothing can be done - that there is no way out. We feel stuck. You do have a choice.
How Break Ups Can Fuel Your Life & CareerPhoto by Andy Grizzell on Unsplash

How Break Ups Can Fuel Your Life & Career

Sometimes things come to an end, and it’s not always our choosing.…
Career Move and Family

Sometimes We Just Have To Be Brave Enough To Jump!

Sometimes We Just Have To Be Brave Enough To Jump! Sometimes…
You have unique gifts

Do You Know What Your Unique Gifts Are?

Do you know what you are truly meant to do in your life? What…