Want 2018 to be Your Best Yet? Here are 6 CEO of Your Life Tips!

Tell me, do you feel you are in control of your life and on track…
Ready to Share Your Raw Truth In Your Business?

Ready to Share Your Raw Truth In Your Business?

I feel that many businesses display their logic - features and benefits of their product. Yet, when it comes to sharing emotions and stories, they’re afraid or don’t realize how impactful it is.
Melissa Dawn TV Interview

The 5-Day LET GO of Negative Relationships Challenge

We’ve all been in situations where we want to end a relationship, whether it’s with a partner, a parent, a relative, a boss, a coworker, an ex-partner. Many of us feel we don’t have a choice, that nothing can be done - that there is no way out. We feel stuck. You do have a choice.

Why Asking Good Questions Can Help You Be a Better Leader

At the end of a long workday, many of us feel drained and…

How Do You Practice Certainty in an Uncertain World?

Time and time again, I hear from clients that they feel a…

Who’s running the show? You or your Gremlins?

Tell me… what do you call that part of yourself that holds you in status quo? Gremlin, Saboteur, Inner Critic, Personal Demon… Whatever you call it, we all have those inner voices, impulses, or reactions that hold us back.

Speaking Your Truth in the Workplace: Part 2

Understanding your mental models sparks the clarity you need…

Speaking Your Truth in the Workplace: Part 1

How can I start speaking my truth at work? How can I say what needs to be said? How can I speak up when I see a problem? How can I voice my opinions openly and professionally?

The Triangle of Disempowerment

If we look around the world, there are endless examples of disempowerment and many of us, when we see these situations, are able to say, “That isn’t right. That needs to stop.” But… are you able to recognize when you are the one being disempowered?

Make 2021 the Year of Mindful You

A new year has begun, but it feels pretty different this time. After nearly a year of pandemic measures and without a clear end in sight, how do we energize ourselves to face 2021 with strength and positivity? The exact steps we take will be a unique journey for everyone, but mindfulness can be a major partner in finding and maintaining your path, and empowering you to start the new year with hope and meaning.

BATNA: The key to better conversations and smarter negotiations

Negotiations don’t have to be a battle ground. In fact, by taking a partnership approach, you open up even more possibilities. Here’s how knowing your BATNA empowers you to have better conversations.

Year End Reflections to Start 2021 as the CEO of Your Life

2020… What a year! Some of us have really struggled with the upheaval and challenges. Others have found joy and growth through being forced out of comfort zones (or discovering new, more meaningful ones). Taking the time to reflect back on this year will help you welcome the new year with intention.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Difficult (and all) Times

Healthy boundaries are a vital part of practicing self care, and cultivating strong relationships. But setting them is often easier said than done. Here are 12 best practices for setting and maintaining boundaries.