Want 2018 to be Your Best Yet? Here are 6 CEO of Your Life Tips!

Tell me, do you feel you are in control of your life and on track…
Ready to Share Your Raw Truth In Your Business?

Ready to Share Your Raw Truth In Your Business?

I feel that many businesses display their logic - features and benefits of their product. Yet, when it comes to sharing emotions and stories, they’re afraid or don’t realize how impactful it is.
Melissa Dawn TV Interview

The 5-Day LET GO of Negative Relationships Challenge

We’ve all been in situations where we want to end a relationship, whether it’s with a partner, a parent, a relative, a boss, a coworker, an ex-partner. Many of us feel we don’t have a choice, that nothing can be done - that there is no way out. We feel stuck. You do have a choice.
Guilt as a saboteur

Guilt as a Saboteur

We can’t simply turn off the “guilty tap” and stop the flow. Instead, we need to become curious about it, confront our guilt, learn from it, and take control of how we respond to it.

Is Employee Redeployment Part of Your Corporate Culture?

Tell me… is an employee redeployment process part of your corporate…

Speaking Your Truth in the Workplace: Part 1

How can I start speaking my truth at work? How can I say what needs to be said? How can I speak up when I see a problem? How can I voice my opinions openly and professionally?

How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Difficult (and all) Times

Healthy boundaries are a vital part of practicing self care, and cultivating strong relationships. But setting them is often easier said than done. Here are 12 best practices for setting and maintaining boundaries.

How to Create Calm and Connection in a Time of Disconnection

Adaptation. With so many moving parts, continuous change, and a constant stream of unsettling headlines, not to mention the daily ins and outs of managing life during these times… you’ve no doubt felt the impact either physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or all of the above. How do you stay calm and connected with so much going on?
authencity business

How Authentic Are Your Business Conversations?

Across the globe, people are afraid to speak what is on their mind. They are afraid to have authentic business conversations either because they fear the other person's reaction or opinion, fear being rejected or their ideas not being important, or they fear the other person’s position and how they might handle the information.
When Do You Dare Bring the True You Out?

When Do You Dare Bring the True You Out?

How can you bring more of the true you into the world without being labelled? Without tons of judgment and assumptions?
heart-based leadership

Heart-Based Leadership Makes People and Businesses Come Alive

Let me tell you… trying to live up to something external, rather than living as who you are meant to be, is exhausting.

What Happens When You Want to Take Back a Yes?

Recently, I made a commitment. I said “yes”. But, when it came time to follow through, I had doubts.

5 Year End Questions to Kick Off An Unbelievable 2019

A personal year end review is a powerful tool to help you get clear on what you want to bring in and what you need to let go of in order to take meaningful steps towards what you truly want.